There can be many underlying root causes for constipation and other gastrointestinal issues in children with Autism and ADHD.

Help them start feeling better now and discover what may be the root cause of their constipation.


My name is Shawna Kunselman and I am a Board Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist (LDN (FL.). I have worked with children with autism and ADHD for nearly a decade and I am a mom of two awesome boys, one of whom is on the Autism Spectrum.

When my son was first diagnosed with autism, it was so overwhelming to get help and get answers. There was information overload anytime I would try to research anything online!  

He suffered from anxiety, OCD, digestive issues, and insomnia and he was nonverbal at the beginning of our journey which made it even more challenging to know how he was feeling. It was exhausting and so worrisome not knowing how to help and not getting answers. I knew I wanted to help in ways other than what conventional medicine offered. The doctors tried to give us medicine after medicine with terrible side effects and they said that his digestive issues and anxiety were "part of autism". I knew there had to be more to it. I knew I did not want to medicate him and I wanted to heal his pain and digestion. 

I vowed that once I did, I would create a place to share what I knew and what helped him and what has helped so many others! Many children today are overprescribed and undernourished.

In addition to the information below, I have numerous resources and blogs to help you along the way. Some of the most popular is Gaba for Anxiety Associated with Autism and ADHD, How Food Additives Could Be Disrupting your Child's Behavior, and Children's Health Guide which highlights potential underlying causes for your child's symptoms.

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