Unburden Yourself! Ways to Reduce Your Body's Toxic Load


Our bodies have a pretty sophisticated detoxification system. The star of this system? The liver. The liver is responsible for processing and converting toxic substances into materials that are harmless to the body and preparing them for elimination. For most people, this system works well. But several things can interfere with the process: Excessive exposure to environmental toxins, poor nutrition, genetic variants like MTHFR (see a discussion of MTHFR here) sedentary lifestyle, and more.

If detoxification is not working efficiently, we may experience various symptoms, including:


Brain fog

Digestive symptoms 



Mood disturbances

Impaired immune system function 

Hormonal imbalances 

Sleep issues

Environmental toxin exposure or impaired detoxification can also be a factor in chronic conditions such as: 


Cardiovascular disease


Metabolic syndrome  

Neurocognitive disorders such as autism and ADHD 


Fortunately, there are many things we can do to support detoxification and minimize our exposure! Let’s dive into some common places toxins can be and ways we can make our environment safer.

Household Products

Many of the products we use around the house have ingredients that are harmful to our health. Cleaning products, cookware, insecticides, and personal care products often have chemicals that can disrupt endocrine function or cause an inflammatory reaction in our bodies.

Here are some suggestions for safer options:

  •  Avoid household cleaning products containing formaldehyde, chloroform, quaternary ammonium, sodium borate, and perfumes. Instead, look for brands labeled: plant-based, organic, paraben-free, synthetic fragrance-free, or hypoallergenic.

  •  Many Teflon or non-stick pans use a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). This coating can become damaged during cooking and find its way into our food. Choose cast iron or stainless steel cookware whenever possible.

  •  Heating food in plastic containers can cause chemicals within the plastic to leach into the food. Use glass products instead.

  •  Cosmetics and personal care products often contain harmful ingredients such as phthalates, parabens, synthetic fragrance, and formaldehyde. Avoid these and look for "certified organic," "hypoallergenic," or "non-toxic" alternatives.

Always double-check the ingredient label on products. Many brands use terminology like "all-natural," which means little to nothing about the product's safety.

Toxins can also hide in plain sight, such as in the stain guard treatments on our furniture and in carpet. Plants can be a great solution for purifying the air inside your home. Spider plants, dracaenas, and golden pothos are some great choices. Some plants are poisonous to pets, so make sure to do some research before choosing your little living air filters.



Hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides are common chemicals in our food. (see a discussion of glyphosate, a common pesticide, here)

Purchase organic produce whenever possible. If working within a specific budget, you may want to prioritize foods with the most pesticide residue:

  • Strawberries

  • Spinach

  • Kale

  • Nectarines

  • Apples

  • Grapes

  • Peaches

  • Cherries

  • Pears

  • Tomatoes

  • Celery

  • Potatoes

  • Beef, chicken, and pork: (choose grass-fed, grass-finished, or pasture-raised)

  • Dairy products: Milk, cheese, and butter (choose organic, grass-fed)

  • When selecting canned foods, look for the label "BPA free”. Many canned goods are lined with BPA (a toxic ingredient sometimes found in plastic bottles). 

  • Read here about food additives and the impact they may be having on your child’s health.

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We have discussed what to avoid in your environment to protect yourself from harmful chemicals, but there are ways to care for your body that help keep detoxification working optimally.


Our brains do a lot of housekeeping while we sleep, so adequate amounts of high-quality rest is essential. The glymphatic system of the brain clears out fluids, proteins, metabolites, and toxins while we sleep.  Clearing this waste is vital for optimal cognitive and physiological functioning. If our sleep quality is impaired, we are at greater risk of inflammation and chronic conditions. 

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of a snooze:

  • Stop using electronics that emit blue light (tablets, tv's phones, computers) at least 2 hours before bedtime.

  • Eliminate all unnecessary light in the bedroom.

  • Keep room temperature at 60-67 degrees.

  • Avoid alcohol right before bed. 

  • Adults should try to get 7-9 hours each night. 

  • School-aged children need 9-11 hours.



Exercise reduces anti-inflammatory cytokines (proteins associated with immune system response), which lowers our systemic inflammation levels. Toxins also leave the body through our skin when we sweat! So breaking a sweat 3-5 days a week is another effective way to support your body’s natural detoxification process.

While avoiding all toxins is impossible, there is so much you can do to set your environment and body up for detox success!

Additional Resource:

Creating a Chemical Stress Free Home